Now Is the Time Project


Well, why don't I quit? I do. I am in the process of learning to be (in) the present moment. I would also like to support this practice by changing some of my habits on the practical level. Here are some notes and links for your inspiration and also for you to inspire me back and to push me now and then to keep practising.


January, the month of flow

"Spiritual" exercise (for the lack of a better word): Take the perks of the state of flow we experience during our favourite activities (in my case, learning foreign languages) and bring them with us into "ordinary" moments.

Anchor phrase to restart myself when I get lost in thoughts: "Nu ska vi ha roligt!"

My daily microstep of change in the physical world:
Have a date with the Swedish language. Any form and any length counts, but the specific habit I am reinforcing is to switch on some audio in my priority foreign language when I'm washing the dishes.

Acknowledging inspiration:
Mihaly CsikszentmihalyiDan MillmanSteve KaufmannLuca Lampariello and David Mansaray, all my great language teachers and students

February, the month of simplicity

Exercise: Shift attention from "the complicated student" of life to the "simple lesson", i.e. the most basic step in front of us in any current activity.

Reminder: "This step is simple."

Daily step: Donate, throw away or otherwise get rid of at least one physical object.

Inspired by: Dan Millman, Berta Fernandez (author of the "Vida sencilla" Spanish course at LingQ)

March, the month of quiet

Exercise: Listen to the silence that is always there, no matter how noisy your situation is. You can always find a quiet spot right in the middle of you (in the middle of me, in the middle of us). The same silence envelops all things and we can listen to sounds emerging from it and dissolving back into it.

Reminder: "It's oh so quiet, it's oh so still..." or no reminder at all, just the stillness itself

Daily step: Set an alarm in order to create a niche for quiet activities right after I wake up. (Before, my baby used to be my alarm clock.)

April, the month of oneness

Reminder: "There is just one..."

Daily step: Concentrate just on my most important habit, one that I've been learning and re-learning for years now.

Inspired by: There is just one source of inspiration ;-)

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